What is a crisis communication plan?

June 21, 2023

Emergencies are unexpected events that can have a devastating impact on a business if not handled properly. To ensure the safety of your employees and minimal business disruptions, you need a crisis communication plan. But what exactly is a crisis communication plan?

A crisis communication plan is a roadmap guiding a business through the uncertainty of a crisis. It outlines the crucial steps to be taken and the clear lines of communication to be used during crisis situations.

What is a PR crisis?

A public relations crisis is a significant event or situation that directly threatens an organization's public image and reputation. It typically originates from unfavorable incidents, reviews, or perceptions, and its potential damage extends beyond immediate financial losses to long-term reputational harm.

Navigating a PR crisis requires an understanding of its dynamics. Examples include:

  • Public safety: COVID-19 is a perfect example of this.
  • Security and privacy: If the company's systems were hacked and sensitive company or customer data was compromised, the team and customers should know in good time.
  • Financial emergency: Like when there's an office closure, mass layoffs, or bankruptcy.
  • Illegal activities and misconduct: These are wrongdoings by company employees, including malpractice, fraud, and inappropriate activities.
  • Natural disasters: these include storms, wildfires, earthquakes, and other extreme weather.
  • Workplace violence: a former or current employee is violent against another employee

Anything you can think of that can affect business continuity is a crisis that requires proper communication with the public or customers.

Why is crisis communication important?

Crisis communication strategies in the workplace allow for seamless communication during an emergency. The messages used in emergencies are designed to give employees the knowledge they need to make correct decisions.

Training also equips crisis communications teams to respond rapidly, accurately, and confidently, which makes the difference between control and escalation. Beyond this, crisis communication serves as an invaluable safeguard.

Its purpose extends beyond the immediacy of crisis management, enabling organizations to anticipate potential issues, formulate effective responses, and ultimately steer the narrative in their favor. This forward-thinking approach mitigates damage, preserving stakeholder trust and the public perception of the organization.

Who needs crisis communication?

Crisis communication should be taught to risk managers, public health officials, communities, physicians, government officials, and hospital personnel.

Crisis communication isn't just for government or health corporations—it's a necessary strategy for any organization, regardless of size, sector, or geographical location.

Whether it's a company contending with a product recall, a non-profit grappling with a reputational issue, or a local government responding to a natural disaster, crisis communication is the critical link that ensures clear, accurate, and timely dissemination of information.

It also isn't restricted to those who communicate directly with the public. It extends to all tiers within an organization. Leaders, managers, and employees alike need to understand and be trained in the principles of crisis communication. This collective preparedness is key to a cohesive, effective response when adversity strikes.

External stakeholders, such as public relations agencies, legal counsel, and suppliers, may also need to be involved in crisis communication. After all, a crisis impacting an organization can have far-reaching effects.

What are the four elements of a crisis communications plan?

A crisis management plan is a multifaceted strategy that includes four key elements:

  • Crisis communication team: This is the first line of defense in a crisis. The crisis communications team is comprised of representatives from various departments—public relations, human resources, legal, and executive management, among others.Their diverse expertise enables a holistic response to crises, addressing all crisis events. Each team member has a defined role and understands their responsibilities.
  • Designated spokesperson: The spokesperson is the face and voice of the organization in times of crisis. They are selected for their communication skills, authority, and credibility, so they must convey complex information in a clear, empathetic, and trustworthy manner.They handle press conferences, interviews, and direct communication with stakeholders, maintaining a consistent narrative that aligns with the organization's values and the facts of the situation. Training and preparation ensure the spokesperson can manage tough questions and high-pressure situations.
  • Meeting place: Having a designated digital or physical location where the crisis communication team can gather is critical. This command center should have the necessary resources and technology to facilitate swift and efficient decision-making.
  • Media plan: A detailed media plan forms the roadmap for all external communication. It outlines which information should be shared, the timing of disclosures, the communication channels to be used, and how media interactions will be handled. This plan ensures the organization remains transparent and proactive in its communication, controlling the narrative and maintaining its reputation.

Emerson Street Media - Crisis Communication Professionals

In an unpredictable business world, crisis management is more than a contingency—it's an integral aspect of organizational resilience. A well-constructed crisis communication strategy encompassing a dedicated team, a trained spokesperson, a central command center, and a thorough media strategy can steer an organization safely through the tumult of a crisis.

But this is easier said than done. Without a professional, crisis communication can be daunting. Fortunately, Emerson Street Media are experts in crisis communication and will help you develop a plan, ensuring that you're ready and in control when the unexpected happens. Take a decisive step towards building resilience and contact us today.